Le testimonianze dei nostri clienti

I rifiuti industriali pericolosi e/o sensibili hanno forme e colori diversi e presentano sfide ambientali ed economiche complesse. Per le grandi industrie di tutta Europa, l'ampia gamma di beni e sistemi di Indaver e la nostra esperienza nella Gestione Totale dei Rifiuti hanno permesso di ottenere un'assistenza completa, le soluzioni più sostenibili e alti livelli di efficienza economica. Scoprite di seguito le testimonianze dei nostri clienti, per segmento industriale o per regione.

Testimonianze dei clienti per segmento di settore

Life Sciences Industry

Aspen, The Netherlands

Labelling contributes to sustainable waste management

Within its TWM partnership with Indaver, the international pharmaceutical company Aspen focuses on sustainable and cost-efficient waste management. A large-scale waste labelling project clearly contributes to safety, sorting efficiency and cost savings. 

Boston Scientific, Ireland

“Indaver has the mindset to go the extra mile”

At the Boston Scientific Corporation (BSC) site in Galway, Ireland, they produce 3 million medical devices each year. As a result of this process, some of the waste, of which much is recyclable, is sensitive and hazardous. For over 10 years, Indaver has been solely responsible for all of the waste on BSC’s Galway site. 

MSD, Belgium

Full waste management control and overall traceability

Indaver developed a Total Waste Management (TWM) project for MSD who was looking for a sustainable and full traceability solution for their critical and sensitive waste. 

Eli Lilly, UK

How Eli Lilly realised a 6% waste reduction

Indaver manages 270 tonnes of hazardous and non-hazardous waste from the Eli Lilly R&D site in Erl Wood. The largest tonnages are laboratory waste and solvents produced during the R&D of medicines for humans and animals. Indaver contributed to more composting and recycling solutions with a 6 % drop in residual waste as a result.. 

CropDesign, Belgium

Open mindset on both sides characterises our partnership with Indaver

CropDesign, formerly known as BASF Agricultural Solutions, in Zwijnaarde on the outskirts of Ghent is BASF’s innovation centre which specialises in plant biotechnology. Researchers develop solutions in the fields of crop protection, crop productivity and improving agricultural crop quality. 

Chemical industry

DOW, The Netherlands

Indaver's project approach adds value to Dow turn around

Dow Benelux B.V. in Terneuzen produces base chemicals and plastics. The large-scale production site consists of various plants that Dow dismantles every so often to clean or maintain all the components as necessary. This operation is known as a turnaround and can take several weeks. Why is it imortant it is to collect large volume of complex waste flows that arise from this operation? Dow explains...

Solvic Lillo, Belgium

A trusted partner through open & honest communication

A competent all-round waste specialist. That’s what Solvic Lillo needed and got for its waste resulting from the production of basic chemicals such as chlorine, hydrogen, caustic soda etc. Flexibility, commitment and technical competence combined with open and honest communication is what Solvic wanted. All this lead to a safer and sustainable solution for a complex salt sludge flow.

BP Chembel, Belgium

Expertise and determination lead to great optimization for sludge stream

In addition to giving safety and the environment first priority and in its efforts to achieve ‘the lowest Total Cost of Ownership’, BP, together with Indaver, has reviewed the way it handles sewage sludge. This innovative and sustainable approach shows that efficiency is much higher and costs are lower. This has led to a more sustainable treatment technology with significant cost savings. 

Sabic, The Netherlands

Sustainable and dynamic waste management

Plastics producer Sabic Bergen-op-Zoom strives for ever more (cost) efficiency, sustainability and continuous improvement. Staying competitive is key. Industrial waste management is a complex matter with a relatively large budget impact to top it all, it must be entrusted to an expert in the field. 

Ernst Logistik, Germany

A sustainable partnership in Logistics Excellence

The company Wilhelm Ernst GmbH, better known as Ernst Logistik, is a comprehensive logistics partner for the chemical and food industry, with two locations in Hamburg, Germany. With their one-stop-shop service covering transport, cleaning, repair, and storage, Ernst Logistik manages the entire supply chain for tank containers

Tesium, Germany

A smooth partnership based on continuity, competence and transparency

At its headquarters in Holzminden, Tesium GmbH part of the Symrise group, develops, produces and distributes fragrances, flavours and food ingredients, cosmetic raw materials and active ingredients, functional ingredients and product solutions for improved sensory perception and nutrition.

DOW , Germany

A trusted partnership in Waste Management

In 2009, DOW Stade Germany embarked on an innovative journey with Indaver that has marked the existing collaboration in a remarkable partnership that stood the test of time. The initial connection, formed while handling a difficult container from Rotterdam, has developed into a solid collaboration that goes beyond the traditional customer-supplier relationship. 

Schill+Seilacher “Struktol” , Germany

Unlocking the Power of Insightful Waste Management

In waste management, finding a partner who understands your needs is key. Mr. Alexander Mey, Safety Specialist and Waste Management Officer at Schill+Seilacher “Struktol” (GER), embarked on a journey with Indaver that redefined the very essence of waste management.  

Technology industry

Niko, Belgium

Full service at all levels

Market leader in electrical and swith gear, light control and home automation Niko wanted full relief in terms of its waste management. It values the proactive approach seeking for dynamic optimizations. Moreover, the strong involvement gives confidence when outsourcing the waste management. 


Environmental industry

OVAM, Belgium

Sustainable remediation of lamp recycling site

Three large warehouses full of mercury-containing lamps, fluorescent powders, waste glass and other materials contaminated with mercury were left behind after the bankruptcy of lamp recycling company Ides in Aalst. A sustainable and competitive solution, including safe handling, transport & processing, was needed for this potentially hazardous situation. 
Read the whole story