Working together for a circular economy

Together, we are building a more sustainable future. A future whose contours are slowly but surely becoming clear. Which sources we tap for our energy, how we use raw materials more efficiently, what is needed to protect people and planet ... Everything is in flux. And much of it can be traced to the advance of the circular economy - an evolution we fully embrace.

Sustainability Report 2023

In our most recent report you will read, among other things:

√ what Indaver's social role is
√ what our ambitions are and how we realise them
√ which sustainable projects coloured the year
√ how we extract energy and materials from waste
√ how we keep circuits safe

How we are accelerating the circular economy


Our employees give their best every day to shape sustainable waste management. The many changes they face require knowledge, skills and creativity. That is why our employees are given every opportunity to develop themselves and help determine their careers. Besides sustainable employability, well-being and safety are crucial. This allows everyone to work in a healthy and energetic way. As a people-oriented organisation, we also engage in open dialogue with local communities. For local residents and local companies, we want to be a good neighbour.


Indaver contributes to the objectives of the European Green Deal. This contribution is fuelled by our evolution from waste manager to material and energy supplier. We ensure sustainable processing of waste and extract maximum value from it by producing secondary raw materials and clean energy. We break down or safely salvage hazardous components so that they do not re-enter material and food chains. We carry out every activity with the utmost care for people and the planet.


Companies are - rightly - expected to assume their social responsibility. We do this by, among other things, being open in everything we do, sharing our knowledge with various stakeholders, adopting an innovative mindset, and putting customer focus first. We also work with a series of policy documents that build on our company code. Think of our Information Security Policy, Whistleblowing Policy, Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy, and more. For us, good business and sustainability go hand in hand.

Key figures 2023

EBITDA 184 million euros
strong financials are the basis for sustainable growth

5.1 million tonnes of waste under management
of which 2.8 million tonnes processed for material and energy recovery

265,950 households
we produced the equivalent of the annual energy consumption of many households

Contribution to 5 spearheads of the Green Deal
from our contribution to a circular economy to ensuring an effective solution for harmful substances in our society

9 European countries
Plants for composting, recycling, power plants, and more

Occupational accident frequency rate of 8.7
well below industry average and close to benchmark for chemicals

6 ambitions in Carbon Management Plan
including CO2 destruction, avoidance, reduction, capture and reuse

Sustainability 2022

Sustainability Flyer 2022