Remediation of hazardous waste: our expertise

Indaver has extensive experience in remediation projects for hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Indaver’s expertise lies primarily in the analysis and preliminary study of contaminated sites to ensure safe treatment and removal of excavated waste. The work and logistics often involve cooperation with external contractors. Depending on the project, Indaver can assume overall management or act as a sub-contractor for specific components of the remediation project.  

Indaver’s own processing capacity and know-how play an important role in decontamination projects.

Remediation services

To bring remediation projects initiated by the authorities or a company to a satisfactory end, several disciplines must co-operate effectively with one another. The location must be screened and analysed which involves an extensive contracting assignment for the excavations. Furthermore, the logistical organisation for the efficient transport of large quantities of materials can be complex. Excavated waste must be treated sustainably and it requires careful consideration of all factors to decide on the best option for treatment and safe storage. 

Own treatment capacity 

Our own treatment capacity and Indaver’s knowledge and experience in this area play an important role in remediation projects. Indaver's landfills, physicochemical installations and specialised waste-to-energy installations across Europe offer a safe and sustainable solution for excavated waste. 

Total Management of remediation or calamity projects

Specialised team for total management

Indaver has a specialised team for the management and follow-up of such remediation projects. Initially, it analyses and pre-studies the contaminated sites to decide on the safe treatment and removal of the excavated waste.

Indaver often collaborates with third parties for the contracting and logistical activities. Indaver can be responsible for total management of the remediation project or acts as a subcontractor for well-defined parts of it. 

Clearing activities after a fire or disaster 

Companies and public authorities sometimes have to cope with a fire or other type of disaster in which burnt, damaged or forfeited products and materials must be quickly transported and treated. Indaver evaluates and makes an inventory of the situation on-site to draft a proposal for safe packaging and transporting the waste that is released. 

Contact our remediation team

Frank Bal

Remediation expert

Your contact in Germany

Wolfgang Koch

Project leader Remediation

For remediation project in Hessen, Germany contact us

Our references

Indaver can rely on years of  international experience in remediation projects. In different countries across Europe but also other continents we were in charge of managing different types of excavation projects eg. PCB/cyanide/heavy metal/PAH contaminated soils, tartank sediment etc. Discover a few of our reference projects below.

Roche Clarecastle, IRE

Roche’s pharmaceutical operations at its Irish Clarecastle facility on 36 hectares of land, ceased in 2020 following a decision to exit the site. Indaver is appointed to be the main contractor in the remediation of the project in close partnership with the Roche team and a range of specialised sub-contractors to undertake site remediation in a timely and safe manner.  Indaver is chosen for its compliance to quality, environmental and safety standards, and minimising disruption to the Clarecastle community.

Bonfol, CH

Indaver was a key partner for the rehabilitation of the Bonfol hazardous waste landfill in Switzerland. The waste extracted from a specially built ‘excavation hall’, covering an area of 10,000m², was transferred to a pre-treatment zone where Indaver employees were testing and screening the soil, and then loading it into containers. In total, about 180,000 tonnes of waste were excavated and transported daily by rail for processing in Indaver’s rotary kilns in Biebesheim, Hamburg and Antwerp.

Fluor lamps, BE

Three large warehouses full of mercury-containing lamps, fluorescent powders, waste glass and other materials contaminated with mercury were left behind after the bankruptcy of lamp recycling company Ides in Aalst, Belgium. A sustainable and competitive solution, including safe handling, transport & processing, was needed for this potentially hazardous situation. The Public Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM) awarded a public tender to 
Indaver for its safe, sustainable and market-based solution.

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