Municipal Waste Management

We convert recyclable waste into new high-quality raw materials and convert non-recyclable waste into power

Indaver’s business service for household and commercial waste, also known as ‘municipal solid waste’ involves service provision for both the public and private sectors in Europe. Maximum recovery of materials and energy in compliance with the strictest environmental standards is key. The aim is to divert waste from landfill, to convert recyclable waste into new high-quality raw materials and to convert non-recyclable waste into power, providing an alternative source of energy to power homes and industry.

For decades now, Indaver has been a reliable partner that supports public customers and private waste collectors and help them conduct a sustainable and cost-efficient waste policy. Indaver strives for long-term collaboration, often within intensive partnerships with joint investments in processing capacity.

Who are we?

Indaver offers high-quality, sustainable, and cost-efficient Total Waste Management solutions to public authorities, waste companies, and large scale industry. For each type of waste we offer a tailored solution thanks to our 35 years of expertise and our wide range of inhouse facilities and processing possibilities with third parties. Through high quality recycling and maximum recovery of energy and valuable components from waste, Indaver intends to keep leading the field in sustainable waste management.

Over the years Indaver has become an international player in Europe, with facilities and operations in Belgium, Germany, the UK, Ireland, and the Netherlands. 

How do we do it?

We aim to recover high-quality raw materials and energy and keep the materials loop clean and safe. We have a wide range of treatment facilities of the highest technical standards to guarantee this and to help realise the circular economy. We operate facilities for the recycling of packaging materials, fluorescent lamps, and incinerator ashes. We treat organic waste in our digestion and composting plants. Non-recyclable waste is converted into energy in grate incinerators and fluidised bed incinerators. Our rotary kilns are reserved for the safe thermal treatment of hazardous waste.

We operate our facilities effectively with the knowhow and years of experience of highly trained staff. This allows us not only to raise the availability of our facilities to a very high standard, but also to anticipate the technological evolutions that occur on the various technical components of those facilities: registration and weighing, flue gas purification, energy and water management and so on. We integrate new technical insights into our facilities. Thanks to this careful management and high availability, Indaver can offer a guarantee that public customers’ and collectors’ waste will always be treated in the best possible circumstances. This type of management enables us to maintain this guarantee of continuity even in times of crisis.

Why choose us?

Indaver never ceases to search for the very best technology that allows us to process public customers’ waste flows and that facilitates maximum energy and materials recovery. We develop new and innovative technologies that respond to customers’ needs while offering the essential flexibility. We invest in technological innovation, enabling us to keep on improving the recovery of high-grade materials and sustainable energy. New technological insights undergo a thorough evaluation. If the evaluation is positive, we integrate these into our facilities, otherwise we invest in new infrastructure. This means we always have state-of-the-art technology. 

Many local authorities collaborate within their region to work towards a climate neutral future. One of their concerns is to secure continuity and sustainability in waste treatment. As these concerns match with our mission, Indaver is the ideal partner able to meet these requirements.