Press Release: Indaver Announces Decarbonisation Project in Essex

Indaver Rivenhall

Indaver Rivenhall under construction

Indaver is excited to unveil an ambitious decarbonisation project at the Rivenhall Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF). The project involves the development of a Carbon Capture plant to capture thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions per annum.

Working alongside Oasthouse Ventures, the initiative marks a significant leap forward in combating climate change while fostering innovative solutions for energy utilisation. Oasthouse Ventures will utilise the heat, electricity, and captured carbon to power and feed cutting-edge greenhouses adjacent to the IWMF site, exemplifying a symbiotic relationship between industry and agriculture.

The remainder of the captured carbon dioxide (CO2) will be transported to other destinations for additional sustainable applications - Indaver is exploring the transformation of CO2 through hydrogen integration, yielding e-methanol, a fuel source poised to propel eco-friendly practices within maritime transport.

"We are excited to announce this decarbonisation project at the Rivenhall IWMF," said Micheal Geary, Commercial and Business Development Director at Indaver. "This initiative demonstrates Indaver’s commitment to environmental stewardship and innovation, showcasing the potential for waste management facilities to serve as catalysts for sustainable development."

The preparation of planning applications is underway and they are due to be submitted to the Planning Authority in Essex by early 2025.