
Sound advice and customized logistics are the strengths of Panse Wetzlar Entsorgung GmbH, an Indaver company. The company's sector-specific concepts provide customers from industry and the public sector with efficient solutions for the individual handling of their waste streams. The company's tried-and-tested emergency management system, which is available around the clock, provides added security and service.


  • Collection and transportation of hazardous and non-hazardous solid and liquid waste
  • Sorting and packaging of used chemicals
  • Emptying, cleaning and maintenance of grease and light liquid separators
  • New construction, general inspection, leak testing and repair of wastewater systems
  • Cleaning of drainage systems
  • Industrial and tank cleaning
  • Remediation of accident sites (emergency management) and asbestos objects
  • Creation of disposal concepts and waste analyses
  • Mobile pollutant collection