Bio Power Alphen



Indaver processes organic residual streams such as green and VGF (Vegetables, Garden and Fruit) waste into high-quality compost, among other things. With compost of good quality, we return natural nutrients to the soil, and close this loop. 

In juni 2014 openden we Bio Power Alphen, een uiterst geavanceerde vergistingsinstallatie voor gft-afval. Hier wordt het bioafval gecomposteerd en hoogwaardig vergist, wat groen gas en vloeibare CO₂ oplevert (voor de glastuinbouw).


Quality is the result of joint effort

Good compost requires pure collected VGF waste

The contamination of VGF material has been increasing for years. This is despite the fact that the market sets ever higher demands for compost – it must not contain even a single piece of glass or plastic anymore. This is no easy task. Indaver makes every effort to remove contamination from the chain. We continuously upgrade our processes and facilities to improve the quality of the compost.
But you too can contribute to good-quality compost. The purer your collected VGF waste is, the higher the quality of our final product. We need to put quality at the heart of every step of the chain to continue making good compost together.


Indaver processes VGF waste into biomass, liquid CO2, Green Gas and compost. We are now able to use the entire contents of a green rubbish bin. No raw material is lost in this process anymore. The most important product from the loop is compost, a sustainable soil improver.

All Indaver sites have been certified under the Keurcompost scheme for many years. Our businesses are audited annually, and the quality of our products is monitored continuously. The Keurcompost quality label guarantees a high-quality product, free of weed seeds, pathogens and matter alien to soil. Indaver produces compost of varied quality, tailored to multiple specialised uses.



Een goede buur

We vinden het belangrijk om een goede buur te zijn voor de bewoners die in de buurt van onze locaties wonen en om een goede partner te zijn in de regio's waar we gevestigd zijn. We zorgen voor open communicatie en goede relaties.

We houden onze buren op de hoogte van onze activiteiten, projecten en vergunningsaanvragen of verlengingen en we maken tijd voor hun vragen.

We organiseren open dagen en bedrijfsbezoeken om omwonenden een kijkje achter de schermen te geven. We organiseren deze bezoeken ook voor buitenlandse relaties die op onze locaties nieuwe ideeën willen opdoen voor duurzaam afvalbeheer in hun eigen land. We delen ook onze kennis en ervaring tijdens handelsmissies in het buitenland.


Mass balance

From that waste we recover in Alphen aan den Rijn three high-quality raw materials with which we are closing another materials loop:

  • Compost: a natural soil improver that replaces fertilizer and fossil peat.
  • Green gas: wet organic VGF waste is digested into biogas. We upgrade that to green gas of a very high quality, which replaces fossil natural gas.
  • Liquid CO2: CO2 is released when biogas is refined into green gas. Bio Power Alphen compresses this into liquid CO2. This has various applications, including in horticulture for stimulating plant growth


Indaver Alphen aan den Rijn
De Schans 41
2408 ZA Alphen aan den Rijn 

Route description

+31 172 448 310

Dati aziendali

  • Mon 07.00 - 16.30
  • Tue 07.00 - 16.30
  • Wed 07.00 - 16.30
  • Thu 07.00 - 16.30
  • Fri 07.00 - 16.30
  • Sat closed
  • Sun closed