Who is Indaver?

Who we are?

Indaver, leading the field in sustainable waste management

Indaver is a reliable partner to both industry and public authorities for ecologically and economically responsible waste management.

Reliable service provider

We offer high-quality, safe and sustainable service provision that we can tailor to our customers’ needs using our expertise in technology, the market and legislation. We can take charge of the entire waste management chain, from on-site recycling service provision to final treatment. In doing so, we fully take care of our customers, enabling them to save time and be worry-free.

European player

Over the years Indaver has become a European player, with facilities and operations at more than 30 locations in Belgium, Germany, Ireland, the UK, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Portugal. The Indaver Group manages around 5 million tonnes of waste every year, using the best available techniques for the treatment of this waste. 

Supplier of raw materials and energy

In all of our activities, we recover as many materials and as much energy as possible. In doing so Indaver wants to contribute to the transition to a circular economy that uses materials and energy more intelligently. Our society still considers waste to be a problem, but for Indaver it is an opportunity. As a supplier of high-quality raw materials and renewable energy, we are a partner to public authorities, industry and society in this circular economy.

Waste managed

Waste managed

5,3 million tonnes

Equivalent Energy for

Equivalent Energy for

275,850 households




Operational in several countries

Operational in several countries


Locations in Europe

Locations in Europe

more than 30



€144 million

Our Business Lines and Units

Industrial Waste Solutions

  • Total Waste Management
  • Solvent recycling
  • Specialised hazardous waste treatment
  • Tank and equipment cleaning


Municipal Waste Management

  • In Belgium
  • In the Netherlands


Municipal Waste Management

  • In Ireland
  • In the United Kingdom


Sludge Dewatering & Separation Technologies

  • Solutions
  • Our approach
  • Technologies
  • Your request


Landfill Reconversion

  • Our landfills for waste that cannot be recycled
  • Project management
  • Recycling of soil and mineral residues



  • Recycling end-of-life plastics into base chemicals


Organisational structure

Indaver is a European company with international ambitions. We are located in various countries: Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland and Britain, Italy, France, Portugal and Spain. The International Management Team (IMT), headed by the CEO, develops the strategy, sets down the annual targets and co-ordinates the operational activities.

Working together for a circular economy

Together, we are building a more sustainable future. A future whose contours are slowly but surely becoming clear. Which sources we tap for our energy, how we use raw materials more efficiently, what is needed to protect people and planet ... Everything is in flux. And much of it can be traced to the advance of the circular economy - an evolution we fully embrace.

Sustainability Report 2023

In our most recent report you will read, among other things:

√ what Indaver's social role is
√ what our ambitions are and how we realise them
√ which sustainable projects coloured the year
√ how we extract energy and materials from waste
√ how we keep circuits safe

How we are accelerating the circular economy


Our employees give their best every day to shape sustainable waste management. The many changes they face require knowledge, skills and creativity. That is why our employees are given every opportunity to develop themselves and help determine their careers. Besides sustainable employability, well-being and safety are crucial. This allows everyone to work in a healthy and energetic way. As a people-oriented organisation, we also engage in open dialogue with local communities. For local residents and local companies, we want to be a good neighbour.


Indaver contributes to the objectives of the European Green Deal. This contribution is fuelled by our evolution from waste manager to material and energy supplier. We ensure sustainable processing of waste and extract maximum value from it by producing secondary raw materials and clean energy. We break down or safely salvage hazardous components so that they do not re-enter material and food chains. We carry out every activity with the utmost care for people and the planet.


Companies are - rightly - expected to assume their social responsibility. We do this by, among other things, being open in everything we do, sharing our knowledge with various stakeholders, adopting an innovative mindset, and putting customer focus first. We also work with a series of policy documents that build on our company code. Think of our Information Security Policy, Whistleblowing Policy, Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy, and more. For us, good business and sustainability go hand in hand.

Key figures 2023

EBITDA 184 million euros
strong financials are the basis for sustainable growth

5.1 million tonnes of waste under management
of which 2.8 million tonnes processed for material and energy recovery

265,950 households
we produced the equivalent of the annual energy consumption of many households

Contribution to 5 spearheads of the Green Deal
from our contribution to a circular economy to ensuring an effective solution for harmful substances in our society

9 European countries
Plants for composting, recycling, power plants, and more

Occupational accident frequency rate of 8.7
well below industry average and close to benchmark for chemicals

6 ambitions in Carbon Management Plan
including CO2 destruction, avoidance, reduction, capture and reuse

Sustainability 2022


Maximum material, maximum energy

Indaver is a supplier of high-quality materials and sustainable energy and aims to expand this role further. We are continuously looking for new and more efficient ways of recovering materials and energy.

The North Antwerp Heating Network

With the agreement between Indaver, the Port of Antwerp Bruges (BE) and the world’s largest malthouse Boortmalt, the North Antwerp Heating Network became a reality. Indaver will supply its residual heat to Boortmalt which needs a lot of energy for its production process. We will also deliver the residual heat to a few residential areas in North Antwerp. Our expertise is also being applied in Hamburg (Germany). We supply the residual heat from our facility there to the city network.

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PLASTICS2CHEMICALS produces new raw materials

At its site in Antwerp, (BE) Indaver is investing 97 million euros in a demonstration facility to recycle 26,000 tonnes of end-of-life plastics annually. Using an innovative chemical recycling process, we convert packaging waste of polystyrene and mixed polyolefins into new, safe and good-quality basic chemicals for the industry.

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Rivenhall IWMF

The proposed 595,000-tonnes-a-year waste-to-energy facility will form part of the larger Integrated Waste Management Facility in Rivenhall, Essex. 
The proposed Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF) will be Indaver’s first waste-to-energy facility in the UK. It  will treat municipal solid waste - household and similar commercial and industrial, non-hazardous waste. In this process, the energy is recovered.

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The proposed £240 million facility is being developed by the Becon Consortium of which Indaver is the lead party.  The design, build and operate contract for this municipal waste facility is being procured by arc21, the waste management group which represents six Councils in the eastern region of Northern Ireland and 60% of the population. The project consists of a Mechanical Biological Treatment building, a 220,000 tonnes per annum Energy from Waste (EfW) plant and a visitor centre.  The facility will be located at the Hightown Quarry on the Boghill Road, Mallusk, Co. Antrim.  

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Ringaskiddy Resource Recovery Centre

The proposed Ringaskiddy Resource Recovery Centre (RRRC) in Cork, Ireland, will be a sister site to Indaver’s facility in Meath. It will treat household, commercial, industrial, non-hazardous and suitable hazardous waste and will generate electricity for export to the national electrical grid.

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What do we do

Creating value - Eliminating harm

Waste to material

Waste to energy

Eliminate harm

Creating value from waste in the circular economy

In a growing world population, the exponential strain on our planet’s resources is unsustainable. Fossil fuels will eventually run out.

That’s why Indaver pushes the transition from a linear economy with single use of resources to a circular economy. Where materials from waste are harvested and used as high-quality resource.

Supplying energy with our installations

Of course, not all waste can be recycled. Luckily, this is where our focus on new technologies comes to play.

Our incinerators generate a lot of heat. We recover this heat and convert it into energy. This waste-to-energy approach means that we can use the very last of this residual waste can be used as an energy source.

Providing a sustainable energy generation and a welcome alternative to fossil fuels.

Eliminating hazardous waste from the food and materials chain

At Indaver, we strive to reintroduce as much waste into the materials loop as possible. While also maintaining the highest quality for the end product. As you would expect from new materials.

In doing so, we stop any possible reintroduction of hazardous waste that could pollute the food chain. What we cannot reuse, we destroy, neutralize or store safely.

  • 58% processed for recycling and harvesting power
  • 20% harmful substances neutralized or destroyed
  • 22% safely and durable stored at a storage place

Culture and Values

Indaver makes strategic choices for its growth, always remaining faithful to its own values, based on its aim of sustainable waste management. In addition, the customers' needs and society's expectations are paramount. We provide a business environment in which creativity can flourish so that we can continuously improve our processes and our service provision.

Indaver is a values-driven company. All actions of the company and its employees must align with these values. They are a reflection of what we consider to be truly important.

Our core values

Indaver is a value-driven organisation. At Indaver, we stand by these values. operate from 5 core values:

Demonstrating concern for people, safety and the environment

We want to operate in a way that is safe, socially responsible, and sustainable, with minimal impact from our activities on our surroundings.

Building relationships based on mutual trust

Mutual trust is the basis. Personal reliability and integrity are the requirements for an enduring relationship with each of our stakeholders.

Concentrating on achieving results

We are result-oriented and cost-efficient in everything we do. We strive to achieve the optimal balance for our customers between substantive added value and total cost.

Ensuring transparency in communications and actions

"We say that we walk our talk." This is our recipe for enduring relationships of trust with all our stakeholders.

Continuously improving

We constantly evaluate, check and optimise our service provision, operation and processes. We always seek the best available technology to ensure the maximum recovery of energy and materials while prioritizing human and environmental care. Safety is paramount in all of this.

Yearly audits hold us accountable and allow us to continually improve. Indaver ensures that our core values are represented in all our operations and throughout every layer of our organisation. We operate from 5 core values:


When it comes to safety, Indaver doesn’t compromise. The safety of our employees, but also of those involved directly or indirectly in our activities, is an absolute priority, consistent with our core value of ‘Concern for people, safety and the environment’. Indaver advocates a group-wide safety behavioural culture with a focus on continuous improvement.

Safety Culture

We continuously work on the safety awareness of our employees and our contractors. We demonstrate the importance of personal commitment to our safety policy through safety training. We invest in increasing our knowledge of the waste that we process.

Risk mitigation

To minimise risk when dealing with waste, Indaver has developed a strong organisation and procedures (e.g. centralised waste treatment department, audits, site manuals, etc.) that guarantee safe, liability-free waste management. We have internationally recognised certification for our safety policy and efficient and safe facilities, systematically putting all new facilities or major changes in existing facilities through a HAZard and Operability study for identifying and controlling hazards.

Co-ordination between the regions

Indaver has uniform safety indices for all its sites in Europe so that we can compare the regions and set common safety objectives. Any incident at an Indaver facility is reported throughout the Group to ensure that a similar incident does not occur elsewhere. A Group Safety Manager co-ordinates and shares safety expertise, both in the Group and with the sector and external players. A Safety Board discusses root cause analysis and prepares proposals for structural improvement. 

High standards

Indaver has consciously opted for integrated and uniform management systems. They ensure the safety, reliability and traceability of all processes. We scrupulously monitor our impact on the environment.


We have opted for certified management systems, both at our sites and at those of Total Waste Management customers. With certification by an independent external certification agency, a third-party expert confirms that our management systems are operating correctly. Depending on the region, Indaver holds ISO certificates and specific regional certificates.

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Cooperation Agreement

Indaver is an international organisation with subsidiaries and participating interests in various European countries. ‘Think global and act local’ is the way Indaver believes it will achieve success in the various markets and further growth. Thinking global refers to a vision and a business strategy supported by the right values and policies. Acting local refers to the waste management service provided to customers and local stakeholders.

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To support our vision we have drawn up several internal policies.

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Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement (UK only)