Grate incinerator Ireland

How does it work?

The grate incinerator in Meath, Ireland ensures the thermal recovery of waste. It operates at a minimum temperature of 850°C and is equipped with an extensive flue gas cleaning system. In order to quantify our impact and results in terms of air emissions, for each of our relevant thermal recovery facilities, we provide the mass balance, an overview of the volumes of pollutants and their performance compared to the daily average standard. A report of the dioxin results is also given for each plant. This can be found in our sustainability report here.

Emission monitoring data

The waste-to-energy plant is operated at a minimum temperature of  850°C. Waste will only be fed into the incinerator when the minimum temperature has been met. When there is a temperature lower than 850 °C shown then the plant is entering a controlled shutdown mode and no waste will be fed into the incinerator. If there is no temperature shown, the plant is in shut down mode (SD), meaning no waste is being processed.

How to read this data?

Measuring results

The measured temperature is real time data of the incinerator. 

Emission limit value (ELV)

The limit value as described by the operating licence, which was granted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is the maximum which must not be exceeded. The ELV is shown by the maximum of the graphical bar. The green bar is the measured value at the stack of the facility.

Compliance with the emission limit values is based on a daily averaging period, the graphical presentation shows weekly averages, based on weekly cumulative updates. In the event of any ELV breaches, these would be reported to the EPA immediately in line with the legal requirements of our operating licence.


The measured value and emission limit values are described in mg/Nm3. These values have been standardised to the following conditions: temperature 273K, pressure 101.3 kPa, dry gas and 11% oxygen in accordance with the licence.


CO: Carbon Monoxide
Dust: Total Dust
HCl: Chlorides
HF: Hydrogen Fluoride
NOx: Nitrogen Oxides
SO2: Sulphur Dioxide
TOC: Total Organic Carbon

Updated every 5 minutes

On 02/07/2024 03:15:03 we measured a temperature of 968 °C.

The Process Flow