Empowering talent for a better tomorrow

Wir sorgen für eine saubere Zukunft. In erster Linie gemeinsam. Und es gibt nie zu viele von Ihnen. Mit dem Indaver International Graduate Programme engagieren wir uns voll und ganz für junge und tatkräftige Talente: Macher mit der gleichen Vision und dem gleichen Ehrgeiz. Daher auch die, die bleiben. Sind Sie bereit, sich uns anzuschließen?

Discover the inspiring stories about eight high potentials

Do you feel like working at Indaver? These eight ambitious employees resolutely opted for Indaver. Since then, we have been developing a great career together. Discover their inspiring stories and you may soon be following in their footsteps.

About the Indaver International Graduate Programme

We are convinced that some things are better discovered on the job. You don't learn everything by snapping your fingers, let alone by a click of the mouse.

Hence take part in the Indaver International Graduate Programme (IIGP). An intensive learning path spread over 2 years where you not only get to know Indaver, but also yourself. Did someone say win-win?

During the IIGP you will be sent to four different locations, of which one period will be abroad. Depending on your skillset and background, you may be working in Belgium, the Netherlands, Ireland or Germany. You will rotate every 6 months shouldering a new project each time.

Why take part?

With a higher education degree under your belt, you're ready for the job market. You probably have already collected some views yourself and a lot of prospects will join you on your path. Handy, and yet identifying what you want as an employee is not a given. Call it a necessary evil. Knowing what you want and where your talents lie are the key to a successful job hunt.

Thanks to the IIGP, you will gain various practical experiences and at the same time acquire a solid body of knowledge. Concurrently, we will assist you with bespoke training. In this way, you will discover more quickly where your expertise comes into its own and, just as importantly, what you would rather avoid. Knowing what you want, opens doors. Which ones exactly we can't predict, but with our Indaver International Graduate Programme, the door to your future will surely be left ajar.

Your path

Hey, nice to meet you!

From the auditorium to the job market. A true leap that raises some questions. Who do I want to work for? Why? In what way? Just tell us about it. At the beginning of the IIGP, we are eager to know what drives you and how we can accommodate that as an employer.

We will level with you. For this trajectory, we are looking for people with responsibility and ambition. Eager to learn? Great! Ready to lead a project on your own? The perfect combination!

Developing something together

Satisfied with our answers? Awesome, we have a match!
Based on the previous conversations, we will be looking for your ideal trajectory. We put that puzzle together.

We prefer to think in terms of someone's qualities and ambitions. Are you technically inclined? Your views are more than welcome at one of our facilities. Do you prefer to act behind the scene? A few extra shoulders in-house provide a more robust foundation even beyond the office walls.

2 years, 4 departments, 1 goal

During the IIGP you determine which road you take. We don't just pick any location, but go for places where your skills will grow the most.

Ready to leave? Together we cover quite a distance. since we are no minor player, this  will allow you to find yourself in different locations.

During the IIGP you will get to know four different departments, each for a period of 6 months. During the last cycle you will go abroad. Those who feel like pushing boundaries sometimes have to literally cross them.

You will not take these steps alone. At each location, we guarantee a warm welcome and constant support. We will take care of all practical arrangements related to your stay. You can leave your worries at home during this journey.

Our goal? Providing you with a clear picture of all that is possible at Indaver in a short period of time.

On the way

We are building a clean future, but we are not predicting it. Where this journey ultimately takes you is not established. Therefore, we want you to grow step by step within the organisation.

We provide guidance and support. Would you prefer to take the lead? Go ahead. We have your back. This is how we will enhance your qualities. Not only in words, but also in deeds. Empowering talent for a better tomorrow is more than a tagline  to us.

Exactly because we sometimes have to travel long distances, we attach a lot of importance to proximity and camaraderie.
You can always fall back on a buddy, and our coaches make sure you are well connected. Thanks to all these links, you can rely on a network of trust.

Food for thought

After 2 years you will have experienced that there is more to waste than you think. And more importantly, together we can get a lot out of it. But only now does the real (thinking) work start.

Where are you headed? There is always room here for the like-minded, innovators or critical thinkers. If needed we will make room. Know that our playing field is vast. The only condition is that you and your skill must be able to operate here. In this we are confident, because after this process you will also be familiar with the language we speak.

To sum up, we understand each other. We will not let this good relationship go to waste. We will continue to mentor you so you can excel in your role or put you on the road to another top position at Indaver.

Help create a better future.

Would you like to take part in the IIGP? Send us your CV and cover letter. Afterwards you will soon hear from us!